
Launch Webmail

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  • POP3
  • - Server:
    - Port: 110 (or SSL: 995)
  • IMAP
  • - Server:
    - Port: 143 (or SSL: 993)
  • SMTP
  • - Server:
    - Port: 587 (or TLS: 587)
    - Requires authentication (full email address and password)

X-Raiders Network
Mail Services

Private Services:

Registerations for new email addresses are free! But you need to fit in either one of the following conditions:

    1) You have to be/have been a member of The X-Raiders Network.


    2) You have to posses an authorization code from one of the Email Domain Provider.

If you fit in either one of the conditions, you can request your new Email by clicking on the link below.

Register for a new Email Address

Account Specifications

  • 50 gb Disk Space
  • Web Mail Box available anywhere
  • POP3 & IMAP Support
  • Email Forwarding
  • Calendar, Contacts, Tasks (1and1 Webmail)
  • Optionnal Anti-Virus
  • Optionnal Anti-Spam
  • Optionnal Auto-Reply